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How to Flip Your Own Home

Where to add value to sell your home for top dollar

Crystal Holtorf, Holtorf Homes

People always ask me where to spend money in their home, to get the most return on their investment. Every dollar spent does not mean another dollar made. Often times, seller’s think that they need to spend money on high dollar items in their home in order to sell their home for a high price. Honestly, buyer’s want a CLEAN, well-organized, and well take care of home above everything else. They want to feel that the home they are purchasing has been treated well and is in excellent condition. It is similar to buying a car… sometimes people are looking to buy a used car, but they are looking for the used car that is in the best condition, with an owner that took care of it, always did the maintenance, and kept it in the best condition possible.

Buyers are also wanting to buy things that are pleasing to the eye and on trend. Trend is everything in all areas…we listen to trendy music, wear trendy clothes, and go to trendy restaurants. Buyers are looking for “That Home”. That home that stands out and is everything that will make them happy and feel like they made it. There are ways to make your home look “On Trend” without breaking the bank.

Light fixtures

These are a cost effective way to update your home without spending thousands of dollars.


Paint is another cost-effective way to give your entire house a remodel. Painting the walls, a more modern and brighter color can make your house feel new. You can also paint your baseboards and doors to make everything feel bright, clean, and fresh. Painting cabinets is also a great way to update the kitchen without spending thousands of dollars on new cabinetry. It will brighten everything up and feel like a new home, as well as update the home.


Removing all personal pictures and décor can add value to your home. Often times when I finish staging a home my clients can’t believe how bare it is. Buyers want to envision their décor in your house. When a home is too personal and specific to a certain style it is hard for buyer’s to envision it to their style. When it comes to decorating in order to sell your home, LESS is MORE.

Plumbing fixtures

Plumbing fixtures can dramatically change the look of a bathroom or kitchen. It is a cost-effective way to make the bathroom look remodeled without redoing the expensive things like tile, the shower, counter tops, and bathtub.

Before spending a lot of money on your home prior to listing it, make sure you talk to an experienced licensed real estate agent, that knows how to see potential in your home without breaking the bank. As an agent, our job is to do what needs to be done to pull all the potential and value out of your home. Need help, Call us at Holtorf Homes.